Product Detail


Stem cutting, Ranch, pkg of 5

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Hardwood stem cuttings from our Ranch elderberry plants. 

Compared with the other varieties we grow, Ranch starts to flower in early June, about a week earlier than Nova and York. Ranch remains in bloom while Nova, York, and Bob Gordon are also blooming, so Ranch is a good pollinator for these varieties. 

Ranch berries will be the first ones ready to pick -- in early August here in Iowa. Berries from our Ranch plants are typically a bit smaller than Nova, York, and Bob Gordon berries -- 1/4" to a scant 3/8" diameter.

Ranch is self-pollinating, but it will yield more fruit if pollinated by other elder, so plant at least two varieties for the best production results. Hardy to Zone 3. Determinant variety -- the flowers bloom and berries ripen over a relatively short time.

Our bushes are 4-8 feet tall and not quite as wide as they are tall. This is slightly smaller than most Sambucus canadensis varieties.

Little information is available about the history of this elderberry variety; it supposedly came from an abandoned farmstead. 

Cuttings have been treated to smother overwintering leaf mites, a common pest of elder plants.

We ship cuttings during the last half of March through early April, timing solely at our discretion. If you cannot get cuttings planted right away, keep them damp and chilled -- the refrigerator works well if you have room.

Sold in a package of 5 cuttings, all one variety. If you order a quantity of 1, you will get 5 cuttings of this variety. A quantity of 2 is 10 cuttings, etc. Any discounts that apply to your order will be shown in your cart.

Price: $15.00